BaseAlpha presents you the AlphaB-Bot,a telegram Bot on Basechain!

Total TVL on BaseChain


Bot Features

Wallet system


Copy Trading

New Alphas on Base

Don’t miss



  • BaseAlpha presents investors with the opportunity to participate in FairLaunches. An equal ground for all investors, our fairlaunch offers all investors fair distribution of tokens and at the same price. No VCs, No secret token discount… just Investors.

Liquidity Boostrapping Pool (LBP)

  • Offering investors an interesting way of investing I Projects and Earning. Liquidity Boostrap Pool (LBP) is essentially a contract that manages a core Pool that contains tokens to be sold. They can dynamically change token weighting.

Subcription Model

  • A process of investment where users can invest and at the end of the sale, total funds raised are divided by tokens provided in the pool. The total raise (Hardcap) is then subtracted and the rest of the funds refunded to investors.

What makesBaseAlpha Unique.

First Operational Launchpad on BaseChain

AlphaB-Bot for seamless interaction

Automated System for Token Deployment


Presenting our Alpha community with automated web3 features.

  • Wallet Dashboard
  • Yield Generation via staking
  • Decentralized IDO Pools
  • AlphaB- Telegram Bot

Our Values

Here are some of the values within our Platform.

Community centric:

We believe our community is important to our mission, a successful project is one where the community is fully backing them.

Multi-chain System:

BaseAlpha is a cross-chain fundraising platform. This means we will be covering a lot of fundraising of early stage projects across different chains.


Integrating Telegram Bot into our ecosystem differentiates us from the rest, we're bridging the gap between web2 and web3.